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Credit for Previous Training

People considering to attend FF001 and SF002 Basic Fresh and Silk classes do not need previous experience. Anyone without experience is considered a beginner. It is recommended that before attending AF003 Advanced Floral design that the student attend and complete both the Fresh Flower Class FF001 and the Silk Flower Class SF002.

Special consideration will be given to students wishing to attend the Advanced class with prior class training or job related experience. This will be up to the discretion of the school administrator, Ed Pawlak. Those wishing to attend Advanced Individual Training will do so with the recommendation of the school administrator.

Cancellation Policy

If a class is cancelled, (i.e. for bad weather), you will be notified by 3:00 pm the day of class. If a course program is cancelled, for lack of sufficient enrollment, a full refund will be given within 30 days of the cancelled course.

Refund Policy

Refunds shall be given within 30 days after the students’ withdrawal. Official withdrawal date, for refund purposes, is the last date of recorded attendance.

Withdrawal Policies

a. A student who officially withdraws before the first class of a program,   but after the five-day period, will not get their registration fee back.
b. A student who starts class and officially withdraws before the second class of a program must pay 25% of the tuition.
c. Before the third class, 75%
d. After the third class, no refund.
e. Official withdrawal should be made in writing and addressed to:   School Direcor, Ed Pawlak.
In School Grievance Prodedure

If the student has a grievance with our school, complaints should be forwarded directly to the State Board of Proprietary Schools. Complaints should be in writing and signed by the complainant within six months of the complaint. Forward all complaints to, or call:

Ohio Board of Proprietary School
Attn: Executive Director
35 East Gay Street
Columbus, OH 43215-3138

Calendar of Classes

Classes are held every Tuesday in June, July and August. Tuesday and Thursday in September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May, 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

Cancellation of Classes

There are no classes on:
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents Day
Easter Vacation
Christmas Eve
New Years Eve


Ed Pawlak and Son’s Florist
5264 State Rd.
Parma, Ohio 44134

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