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Enrollment Policy

Students must be registered before admittance to class at least one week before the starting date of the specific class they are attending.

Entrance Requirements

Students must fill out a registration form and submit the $10.00 registration fee along with the form. There are no requirements or prior experience needed for the Beginners Fresh and Silk classes, other than a desire and intent to learn floral design.


If a student is going to miss a class or classes, advance notice would be appreciated. This helps the instructor better prepare the materials for class. A student may be no more than 10 minutes late for class unless they have already cleared it with the instructor. A total of two absences are permitted. A student will be allowed to make up to two missed classes at the end of the session only, and within a siz-month period from the date of the first class.

Orientation Time and Dates

During your first class your orientation will cover classes offered.
Class Length

Classes are 10 weeks long. There will usually be one or two make up classes at the end of the 10 weeks. When the basic silk class ends, a new fresh one begins and so on. Advance classes run continuously on Thursdays except for summer. Classes are held from 6:30 to 8:30.

Grading System

Letter grades will be given at the end of each class and recorded by the instructor. The student will be informed of his or her progress every other class and given a final grade at the end of the session. We strive for open communication with the student during the 10 weeks of each course, and personally oversee each students progress.

Graduation Requirements

A certificate of completion is given after the student has completed 10 classes and has maintained a passing grade.

Financial Aid

There is no federal or state financial aid offered for classes at this time.

Student Conduct

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional adult manner. Students should be at least 16 years of age. Special consideration is given to students attending with a parent or adult. If the student is causing a nuisance or disturbance, and has to be repeatedly warned more than twice throughout the course, that student will be asked to leave the class permanently and

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